40k drop pod points
40k drop pod points

The squad inside can also disemark, generally getting an extra 9″ move on top of the Drop Pod, but again, you cannot deploy within 9″ of an enemy model. With the changes to Drop Pod assault, you can now place the Drop Pod exactly where you want on the battlefield, assuming it is more than 9″ from an enemy model. The changes to the Drop Pod assault rules have made the Drop Pod more reliable in where it lands, but also a bit less useful in where it lands. The Drop Pod has one purpose to transport units in reserve to where you want them on the battlefield if they have no other “Deep Strike” deployment options. I would rather go for the Storm Bolter’s reliable four shorts at short range and two shots at longer range, than hoping to roll a 5 or a 6 for the Deathwind’s number of shots.įirepower, however, is not why you are using the Drop Pod.


The Deathwind Launcher is a nice upgrade for only 5 points, but I generally wouldn’t bother with it unless you have a few points to spare and nowhere else to spend them. It’s not going to be tearing things apart, but might add a few extra wounds to an infantry squad. The Storm Bolter is a nice weapon to arm it with, getting four shots at Rapid Fire range. It has BS 3+ and has no attacks in combat, so not much change for it there. While not terrible, it is now lower in durability than the Rhino or Razorback. It has toughness 6, 8 wounds and a 3+ save. The Drop Pod has gone from one of the toughest transport vehicles in the Space Marine arsenal to one of the weakest.

  • Keywords- Imperium, Adeptus Astartes,, Vehicle, Transport, Drop Pod.
  • Transport- Can transport ten Infantry models, but may not transport Jump Pack, Terminator, Primaris or Centurion models.
  • Immobile- After it has been deployed, the Drop Pod cannot move and no units can embark upon it.
  • Any models embarked must immediately disembark, but must be set up more than 9″ away from enemy models. Set it up anywhere on the battlefield at least 9″ from an enemy model. At the end of any movement phase, the model can perform a Drop Pod assault.
  • Drop Pod Assault- During deployment, you can set up the Drop Pod and any unit(s) embarked in it in orbit.
  • May replace the Storm Bolter with a Deathwind Launcher- 12″, Assault D6, S5, AP0, 1 damage.
  • The basic Drop Pod costs 95 points and takes up a Dedicated Transport slot in the army. In 8th edition, the Drop Pod still has some uses, but a large points increase and a change to its rules means that you will probably not see as many of them on the tabletop as you once did, if you in fact see any in an opposing army. It was a tough transport vehicle that could ferry your troops into the heart of battle in relative safety, and with Objective Secured it could sit on objectives for most of the game. The Drop Pod was the king of transports in 7th edition 40k (at least until the release of the Gladius Strike Force). How does it compare now with the changes in 8th edition 40k? For more reviews, analyses and battle reports, check out the Tactics Corner. Hi everyone, Michael here with a review of the go to unit for transport in 7th edition the Drop Pod.

    40k drop pod points